Last November, we mentioned that the WhatsApp application will allow you to record voice notes without pressing the button. This feature, known as Locked Recording, arrived a few months ago in the application of Telegram. As usual, Watsab saw the usefulness of this feature and has already decided to apply it, The feature was included in the app code a month ago, and now you've reached the latest beta.
Users who have the latest beta version of the WhatsApp application, which is 2.18.102, have started to note that the sound recording function appears without pressing the button. Therefore, if you have not yet received and obtained it, you must have the latest beta version Of the link below it, after registering it and making sure the application is completely closed. Where you can close all open applications or restart your mobile phone. Once you do this, you can use this function. Personally I followed these steps and had worked perfectly
This functionality will soon reach all fixed users, but if you want to enjoy it on your phone, just subscribe to WhatsApp Beta, and you'll see it after you close and open the app or restart your phone, and do not forget to download the latest version of the app from the Play Store Store.