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New features and very wonderful things in Android 10 ! know them

While many phone users are waiting for Android 9 updates with some patience, some of the developers at the famous XDA have already reached a copy of the new system Android 10 or Android Q and have revealed the most prominent features, including:

Wide dark situation:
The new system has the option of activating the dark mode. Unlike the previous system, instead of supporting only the special system applications, it will support all the applications. This means that all applications can be made in dark mode. About 46 percent of the battery power.
Desktop mode:
Google seems to be trying to make its system wide-ranging where it will provide a desktop system which will be able to convert your phone to a laptop just enough to get a cable from HDMi to the cable Usb-C to have a phone and a computer at the same time.
Change of powers:
It seems that the system of granting powers to applications in Android has been added some features to it and the privilege of granting only when running the application, which means that after the lock application will not be able to access anything in the phone and to strengthen the protection and give users stability and security better in the system can See the feature in the image below.

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