InStagram continues to spread its craziness among users. In a short period of time it was able to break the billion-user barrier. For this reason, many people take advantage of the great popularity of this application in Internet profit, although the application does not have the advantage of monetization, YouTube, this is because these people rely on other ways and indirectly to benefit from their accounts, which includes the number of followers of the most important, in this article we show you the best five ways to profit from Instagram, noting that all these methods are not easy and you must work on your account on The instagram It includes a good number of followers and become eligible to profit from these methods.
1. Advertising for certain products
It is the most common and most famous method used by almost all web players who have fairly large Instagram accounts. The method is to choose a specific niche that you like. It may be sports, cooking, technology, games, animals, clothing, etc. Keep it up until you have a fairly large follow-up base, and then start communicating with the companies and websites you may find relevant to the content you provide on your account, and ask them to send you their products for advertising with a payout that you think you deserve.
2- Marketing commission
If you are not aware of this, you should know that most of the buying sites or companies that offer you paid programs or applications provide a feature for their users, namely commission marketing. For example, if the site is a purchase site, each product you want to give you a link to you and through him You can profit from these sites, where you try to persuade a certain person to buy the product you chose from your link to get a commission from the site, of course, in case you have an account on the instagram includes a large number of followers, it will be a good opportunity to market your link to them either through the diary Or publications and persuade them to enter and acquire the product or land Program or otherwise.
Selling your own products
InStagram is also a fertile platform for sellers and entrepreneurs who can sell their own products to followers. Instagram now adds a new feature that allows you to buy directly from a certain account. You can only use your Instagram account to market your products and if you can attract someone to buy you Complete the remaining process in the ground.
4 - Selling images of your own instagram
Is also a very common way photographers have, personally I know many photographers who earn hundreds or even thousands of dollars from this method, simply make your Instagram account as an exhibition of your photos and try to make your photos consistent to make your account impressive for everyone who entered it , And so you can get business applications remotely from a lot of companies that are in the form of a particular image or modification or something, and you can really sell one picture hundreds of dollars.
5- Publish other Instagram accounts
It is also an effective method and is used by the majority. There are many accounts that you find willing to pay the money to be followed. Of course, if you have an Instagram account with a decent number of followers and interact strongly with you, it is an opportunity for the account holder. Advertising simply does a piece of work or a leaflet to talk about the account that advertises with you, and tries to market it in a smart way that makes your followers join it.
These are five methods used by famous astrologers to profit from their accounts. I remember that these methods all require a lot of effort on the part of the account holder to increase his account and increase the follow-up and interaction. We hope you have benefited in this article and invite you to share the article with your friends to benefit