We are all reminded of the scandal that hit the technology news in 2016, which was about the issue of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 battery that was exploding in the face of the users who bought these devices, but it seems that the battery explosion crisis is not limited to Samsung phones, because the epidemic has moved To other phones because of the occurrence of a tragic and fatal explosion in the state of Odysha in eastern India
Where an old Nokia phone exploded in the face of a girl who was about 18 years old when she was busy talking to her friend, causing her death!
According to the British newspaper Daily Mail, the girl was put in a cell phone and began to talk to her friend before exploding in her face. The girl was injured in her hand, chest and leg, and was unconscious before she was taken to hospital and died there.
The pictures of the incident show a damaged phone that some media sources in India say looks like the Nokia 5233, released in 2010.
"We are deeply saddened to hear the unfortunate incident involving an 18-year-old girl who has been reported," a spokesman for HMD Global said.
The police allegedly visited the site to gather data and sent the body to the bodyguard.
Where an old Nokia phone exploded in the face of a girl who was about 18 years old when she was busy talking to her friend, causing her death!
According to the British newspaper Daily Mail, the girl was put in a cell phone and began to talk to her friend before exploding in her face. The girl was injured in her hand, chest and leg, and was unconscious before she was taken to hospital and died there.
The pictures of the incident show a damaged phone that some media sources in India say looks like the Nokia 5233, released in 2010.
"We are deeply saddened to hear the unfortunate incident involving an 18-year-old girl who has been reported," a spokesman for HMD Global said.
The police allegedly visited the site to gather data and sent the body to the bodyguard.