The blind imitation of iPhone X has hit a lot of Android phone companies. This year is the year of Notch phones. This is something that many fans of the Android system, especially fanatics, did not like. Therefore, it was important to find a solution to this problem and restore the normal appearance of the Android phones. This method is easy and requires only a light application that will solve the problem.
Because of the great freedom of the Android system and the ability to customize it was easy to find an application that solved the problem and is named Nacho Notch and is available for free download on the store Google Play and the main task is to hide Notch completely by filling the top bar of the screen with a black background to return to normal and normal .
All you need is to download the application from the link you will find at the bottom of this post and then go to the notification bar as shown in the image below.
Then you will find an icon similar to the shape of the gear you will click on it to add a new shortcut and you will see the shortcuts that can be added by choosing the shortcut Nacho Notch by dragging the shortcut and adding it to the list. After you add the shortcut you will save your edits so that you have a shortcut to hide Notch and once you click it you will find that notch has completely disappeared. To notch, you can only click this option again