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Intel Officially Announces the 8th Generation Core i9 Processor for Laptops

Intel announced at a global event in Beijing the latest Core i9 processors designed for high-speed performance for gaming enthusiasts and video editing on laptops.

The Intel® i9-8950HK processor is the first Intel 6-core and 12-line processor that can reach a maximum of 4.8 GHz, which is what we see for the first time in Intel mobile processors.

The new processor relies on the Coffee Lake platform and provides 41% of frames per second while playing, and 59% better performance in video editing tasks compared to older generations of processors, and a total speed of 29% faster than the previous generation of Intel processors.

In addition, the new Intel Core i5, Core i7 and Core i9 processors will support the new Intel Optane memory technology, which enables the use of a memory chip to speed up disk boot time and run applications similar to the speed obtained from hard drives compared to hard drives, This will enable you to get the run times faster.

Intel has not announced the date of release of these processors on the market nor the expected prices, but these processors are supposed to reach the manufacturers of laptops later this year.

Players and video creators who work on video editing and virtual reality may therefore want to stop buying new equipment until the Core i9 processor begins to appear in these specifications.

Last year, Intel announced Core i9 processors for desktop computers, and it was only a matter of time until today announced the availability of these processors for laptops.
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