Huawei Consumer Group yesterday announced the launch of its flagship products at the prestigious Grand Palace, the Huawei B20 series and the Huawei B20 Pro, the first smart phone with a three-lens camera from Leica. The two phones also offer innovative artificial intelligence technology to make the camera experience Smart and vibrant new.
Huawei previously raised expectations for smartphone photography with its launch of the Huawei B9, the first phone to come with a dual camera from Lake, and with the debut of the Huawei B20 series makes the company a professional photography experience easy for everyone.
"We are inspired by our artists to continuously develop our design and innovation," said Hugh Huawei, CEO, Huawei Consumer Group. "The Huawei B20 series is an extension of our continuous and fruitful partnership with Leica, Huawei B20 and artificial intelligence technologies in both phones, today's vibrant users can document the beauty of the world around them and share with others. "
In addition, the Huawei B20 series has the highest ratings in DxOMark for imaging, including advanced camera systems and intelligent user to enjoy the benefits of the evolution of all stages of their experience in photography.
The B20 series features a premium camera system to capture brighter, clearer and more beautiful images. The Huawei P20 Pro boasts a sleek three-phase camera from Leica to capture long-range images of up to 5 times the hybrid zoom. The Huawei P20 With a new double camera from Leica.
Both phones offer innovative imaging features including Master AI technology, artificial intelligence skills, and HUAWEI AIS technology, which is supported by artificial intelligence for image stabilization.
The two phones also offer ultra-thin, light-edged and tinted colors, delivering superior performance. The phones use the Kirin 970 processor, a dedicated NPU processor and the EMUI 8.1 user interface, and work with Android 8.1 for seamless and luxurious experience.
In addition, Huawei announced the third generation of Porsche Design Huawei Mait RS Rays Sport to continue its collaboration with the luxury and exclusive brand, and features the official Porsche Design and Huawei's most advanced technology and craftsmanship.
The P20 series offers stunning design in line with high fashion. The Huawei P20 and the Huawei B20 Pro are new and exclusive in color, the color is twilight and the golden color is fused, which is designed to lay several layers of NVMC optical coating under the glass back cover. On the surface of the phone will break the light and there is a color gradient variable, and the phones are available in the color of twilight Twilight and black color and blue night and golden syphilis.
Huawei's 20-inch screen is 5.8 inches long, while the Huawei B20 Pro 6.1-inch screen with ultra-slim features and amazing screen-to-body screen space offers a better viewing experience and more on-screen display for both reading and gaming. The FullView display runs smoothly with curved edges for easy carrying.
The B20 series comes with a design that reflects the art of light and features the evolution of the usage experience. The Huawei P20 Pro offers a trio of Leica camera with the largest number of pixels among the smartphones on the market. The camera is configured to include a 40 megapixel sensor, Monochrome with 20 megapixel resolution, 8 megapixel sensor and telephoto lenses.
In addition to the fuselage f / 1.8 and f / 1.6 wide f / 1.8 and f / 2.4 wide fuselage lens slots, for taking fresher images with clearer details and optimum clarity, the Huawei B20 Pro includes VARIO-SUMMILUX-H 1: 1.6-2.4 / 27-80 Leica's new biosphere with up to 3-fold optical zoom to capture long-range images of up to 5x for hybrid zoom, as well as a sensor for capturing low-light images with a light sensitivity of up to 102400 ISO.
In addition to the previous B series, the new B20 series comes with a new Leica dual camera with 12 megapixel sensor with 1.55 μm pixel resolution and a 20 megapixel monochrome sensor, Take pictures in low light conditions.