Many of us do not have the capital and search for free ways to profit from the Internet, but unfortunately Ntwa between many sites and others that need a great effort and this does not mean that profit is impossible, but there are many ways through which you can reap the first dollars and began your journey in Profit from the virtual world.
Among these methods, the best is the area of digital currencies, especially the new currencies, which gives the owners free opportunities to acquire them to promote them, but of course before that we study the draft currency, what idea comes? , Is it strong enough to raise the price of its currency ...?
So you came today with a new explanation of the site wildspark, this site is similar to the site stemit where once people watch the videos and comment on the site converts that interaction to the strength of mining his currency synereo, and all you have to publish YouTube videos on this site and earn this currency through the interaction of people with Your videos, in addition to that the site will guide you 10 pieces of this currency if you registered on your Facebook to use in the dissemination of videos and thus multiply your profits.
For example, note this person who donated 8 pieces of this currency to publish the video and gained 518.24 pieces thanks to comments and views, imagine how much revenue
So take it easy to register and take the bonis to start working on it. If you stop the bonus you can only publish videos by shipping your account.
Steps to register and publish videos Easy Just enter to the site and then click on the registration box at the top
Then you will see this interface. Click on Register on Facebook
Enter your email address and password for your Facebook account and click Continue
And congratulations you account for 10 pieces of coin synereo (10 APM)
Now all you have to do is add videos by clicking the + button
Then add a link to any video you want to publish and click Continue
You will be shown the video you chose, put how much you want to donate to publish it for example I chose 1 APM then press AMPLIFY and enter the video type (music, games ...) then save
And so you have published the video, to take advantage more Take it and share it with your friends The more you interact with it the more you win this currency as well as follow the videos of others and comment on them to strengthen your account
This currency is currently located in more than 5 trading platforms and is priced at around $ 0.30, so after you get more than 20 pieces of them you can draw them on these platforms and sell them.
Link: link here
Link to the currency in the mark to learn more:here